ABI Gravel Rascal Pro
Gravel Rascal Pro – Driveway Grader & Landscape Rake for ATV & UTV
Gravel Rascal Pro – Driveway Grader & Landscape Rake for ATV & UTV
Demo Day! Food Plot Disc on an ATV/UTV in Backwoods Pasture – ABI Dirt
Rascal 3-Point Option – For ATVs & 3-point Tractors
ABI Gravel Rascal ATV Grader & UTV Grader
ABI Rascal Pro UTV Driveway Grader & UTV Landscape Rake
UTV Road Grader / UTV Grading Scraper - Gravel Rascal pro
ATV/UTV ABI Gravel Rascal Pull Behind Gravel Driveway Rake
ATV/UTV ABI Gravel Rascal Pull Behind Gravel Driveway Loosening Gravel

ABI Gravel Rascal Pro

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Patented ATV & UTV Driveway Grader & Landscape Rake

For Quad and Sub & Compact Tractors: The Gravel Rascal combines scarifying teeth, a landscaping rake, soil pulverizer, and a rear grading blade into one patented attachment. Like its bigger 3-point-tractor brother, the TR3®, the Gravel Rascal is a complete one-tool-does-it-all solution for ground preparation work on your property. With the Gravel Rascal’s teeth for tough work and commercial-quality construction, you can grade driveways & parking lots, repair rutted trails, prep for seeding lawns & pastures, groom horse arenas, harrow food plots, and much more. NO OTHER ATV TOOL MAKES QUICKER WORK OF DRIVEWAYS, POTHOLES, WASHOUTS, & TOUGH WORK AROUND YOUR PROPERTY!
ABI Gravel Rascal Pro - ATV Grader Teeth

Ripping Teeth

The adjustable rippers give the Gravel Rascal the teeth it needs to break up most any hardpan surface. The ripping teeth are adjustable from 0 – 17.8cm to get to the bottom of the most demanding jobs, even potholes! They enable the Gravel Rascal to be used to maintain gravel driveways, parking lots, prep seedbeds, maintain trails, maintain food plots & so much more! The rigid design, and angle of penetration into the ground, delivers exceptional aggressiveness not match by any other Quad tool available. The tips are replaceable for reduced maintenance cost.

ABI Gravel Rascal Pro UTV Grader Profile Blade

Profile Blades

ABI’s patent-pending Profile Blades are an innovative subsurface cutting component that temporarily replaces the ripping teeth and is used for 3 specialized purposes. First, it is used for conditioning the dirt (footing) of a horse riding arena. Second, it is used on baseball and softball infield surfaces. Third, it is used on driveways, after they have been significantly loosened, to remove remaining ridging and cut vegetation at the root level. The Profile Blades are only used for finesse dirt work.

Arena Rascal Pro Pivoting Rake - ATV Arena Drag

Pivoting Rake - Pulverize, Grade, Rake, & Finish

By adjusting the rear manual jack, the Gravel Rascal’s, 1.27cm think hardened steel, rake can pivot up to 90° into a variety of finishing and grading positions. This adjustability enables the rake to pulverize clods of material, level and finish (with adjustability for varying material flow properties), spread loose material from a small pile, grade (by cutting already loosened material and dragging into low areas), and collect loosened surface rocks & other debris. The rake can additionally be adjusted completely out-of-play if unneeded for a particular job. This functionality enables the Gravel Rascal to beautifully finish gravel driveways and parking lots, collect and refill accessible washed-out gravel material, leave a perfect uncompressed seedbed, and even break-up aeration cores and manure in a pasture. While grading is possible without additional options, we HIGHLY recommend the optional electric actuator to control the wheel-lift system from the seat of the tow vehicle. This option greatly enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of the Gravel Rascal for “cut-&-fill” grading and spreading applications. The rake is replaceable in one foot sections to reduce maintenance costs.

ABI Gravel Rascal Pro UTV Landscape Rake Wheel Lift

Patented Wheel-Lift System

With the Gravel Rascal’s patented wheel-lift system, the operator is in complete control! Without the wheel-lift system, pull behind implements are uncontrollable. The wheel-lift system is operated with a standard manual jack on top of the Gravel Rascal. Turning this jack raises and lowers the wheels, which in turn, raises and lowers the frame and ground contact points of the Gravel Rascal. This system may also be operated from the seat of the tow vehicle with the optional electric actuator (as shown). The wheel-lift system serve 3 purposes. First, it enables the tool to be lifted off the ground for easy transport all around the property. Second, it allows the operator to gauge or control the max depth of penetration into the surface. When the surface is extremely hard, the wheels may be raised “out-of-play” to allow the full weight of the tool to be placed on the ground contact components for more aggressive penetration. Third, when the wheels are all the way down, and the frame is lifted into the air, this allows for easy swapping out of underbelly components such as the ripper teeth and profile blades.

ABI Gravel Rascal Pro Tires

Large Stabilizing & Transport Wheels

The large 41.9cm tall x 20.3cm wide tires are a critical part of the patented “Wheel Lift System” and serve four important functions. First, they allow for quick and easy transport, over most any terrain, even at moderate speeds to get around the property quickly. Second, they stabilize the Gravel Rascal from pitching side-to-side ensuring consistency of grooming depth, the width of the unit, especially when maneuvering tight turns. Third, they enable the Gravel Rascal to “float” on loosened or wet material to minimize “sinking” into these soft material situations, which otherwise would alter grooming depth. This is a common problem for most competitive groomers. Forth, they gauge or control how deep the ground contact components go into the ground and hold a consistent grooming depth. When it come to tires, size matters. The taller and wider the tire is, the more stable a pull behind implement will be. These are high quality wheels with replaceable hubs, spindles, and bearings for long service life. These are not cheap caster wheels like are found on many competitive Quad tools.

ABI Gravel Rascal Pro Construction

Commercial-Quality Construction

At the core of the Gravel Rascal is a welded main frame built upon 7.6cm x 7.6cm tube steel. The frame is fully welded, except at pivoting joints, for rugged and long lasting service life. Every component of the Gravel Rascal is truly commercial grade built to take the abuse of hours of daily use. Commercial-quality construction and design excels when other tools fail. The Gravel Rascal is the toughest and most versatile Quad tool on the market.


Ground Contact Pitch Adjustment

The turn-knuckle on the top of the Gravel Rascal is designed to enable adjustment over the angle in which the ground engaging components come in contact with the ground. This adjustment allows the operator to control the pitch of the ripping teeth and profile blade for a verity of applications and soil types. This feature is also a very handy, no tools required, way to adjust pitch for varying hitch heights of tow vehicles.

Electric Actuator

Electric Actuator

This industrial grade actuator is powerful, rugged and finely tuned for easy operation of the Rascal from the seat of the tow vehicle. It is most commonly used to lift the tool for transport, raise the tool for tight turns over areas you do not want to disturb, to cut-&-fill grade material, and to set the depth of the ripping teeth or profile blades. While grading is possible without additional options, we HIGHLY recommend this electric actuator to control the wheel-lift system from the seat of the tow vehicle. This option greatly enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of the Rascal for “cut-&-fill” grading and spreading applications. It includes all hardware and wireing needed to attach to a 12v battery and has a very convenient handlebar mounted controller. This controller enables easy operation while keeping both hands on the handlebars of the quad. An optional wireless remote controller is also available. A manual crank jack is standard.

Edge Blade

Edge Blade

The edge blade is used to pull material off the edge of a driveway or horse arena back into the tool so it may be redistributed. The Edge blade are available in left side and right side versions. Quad owners can easily use either version, however side-by-side UTV owners will want the left side version for better visability.

Mini-Box Blade

The Mini-Box Blade gives the ABI Gravel Rascal Pro extra earth-moving muscle and unmatched versatility. Paired with the optional electric actuator, the operator can quickly and effectively carry material, collect loosened debris & rocks, grade, fill-in low areas, and level! The serrated box edge is ideal for gravel and soil materials. It can effectively reset the grade of a driveway or lawn with ease. The mini-box even enables the establishment of a crown on a gravel driveway when used on the current design Rascal with an adjustable wheel block.

3-Point Option For Pull Behind Grading Scraper / ATV Road Grader

3-Point Conversion Kit

With the ever expanding popularity of the sub-compact and mid-compact tractor market, ABI is proud to offer a 3-point option that converts the standard Rascal for Quad into the ultimate 3-point tool for small tractors. As most experienced land owners know, 3-point tools are more efficient and effective than pull behind tools. Now Rascal owners, that also own the 3-point option, have the choice between the convenience of a pull behind tool or the efficiency of a 3 – point tool all in one piece of equipment. Perhaps the most innovative aspect of this option is that in under 1 minute the user may swap between a pull behind tool for Quad or a 3-point tool for tractors with no tools required. This amazing versatility for one tool to work with both Quad and tractors is ideal for land owners that prefer to use a different tow vehicle for varying jobs. The Rascal 3-Point option brings Profile Blade Technology, ripper teeth and a pivoting finishing and grading rake to the small tractor market at an affordable price. This option fits existing Rascal models that have a removable tow bar tongue. Compatible with both category 0 and 1 3-point hitch types for tractors under 35 horse power.

Weight Rack - ATV Grader / UTV Grader

Weight Rack / Attachments Carrier

This option serves a dual purpose depending on the application for use. First, although most customers will not need it, this option enables 18.1 – 36.3 kg of additional weight to be added to the Gravel Rascal. Additional weight can help to loosen extremely hard surfaces. The actual weights are sold separately at local tractor supply stores. This bracket is designed to hold up to two 18.1kg tractor weights. Second, this options is a Finishing Attachments Carrier that holds the optional drag mat or broom off the ground for easy transport.

ABI Gravel Rascal / Arena Rascal Pro - ATV Food Plot Disc Option

Food Plot Disc

Does your to-do list stop at the edge of your driveway? We didn’t think so. Turn your Gravel Rascal Pro into a food plot and garden prep machine with a set of Food Plot Discs. These 14” notched discs give your Gravel Rascal the cutting edge you need to slice through vegetation and prepare your soil for seed in tight areas.

Part # RG4.5 RG5.5 RG6.5 RG7.5
Working Width 1.37m 1.68m 1.98m 2.29m
Unit Weight 152kg 164kg 170kg 175kg
Min. Horsepower 18 hp 25 hp 25 hp 30 hp
Min. CC 400cc 500cc 600cc 700cc
Hitch Type Pin (Optional 2" Ball) Pin (Optional 2" Ball) Pin (Optional 2" Ball) Pin (Optional 2" Ball)
3-Point Hitch Optional (For CAT 0 & I) Optional (For CAT 0 & I) Optional (For CAT 0 & I) Optional (For CAT 0 & I)
Finish Color Black Gloss Black Gloss Black Gloss Black Gloss
Powder Coating Yes Yes Yes Yes


ABI Gravel Rascal Pro
Connection Ltd. CAT I 3-Point, Pin Hitch / Drawbar, Ball Hitch
Power Range 18 – 23 h.p. Tractor, 23 – 38 h.p. Tractor, 400 – 600 cc ATV/UTV, 600 – 1,000+ cc ATV/UTV
Tow Vehicle ATV, UTV, Sub-Compact Tractor
Other Attributes

7 reviews for ABI Gravel Rascal Pro

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  1. Joaquin Perez

    I was glad I made the decision of purchasing the Gravel Rascal because it has saved me many hours of smoothing out the rough ground on my landscaping project. I don’t think I’ll ever sell the Gravel Rascal when I am done. I know that I will use it again in the future. It is a valuable piece of equipment for anyone. Thank you for encouraging me to purchased it. It is so simple to use it. I really appreciated….and I have no regrets. I WILL RECOMMEND it to any of my freinds and family. I love it because it is MADE IN AMERICA and the quality that the manufacturer [ABI] has put into it is evident. It is so carefully designed with great precision of steel structure. Thank god is is not made in China. Many Thanks!!!!

  2. Mike

    I used my new Rascal over Memorial weekend on my driveway. What an amazing machine! It worked 10 times as fast as a box blade and works 10 times better! You said it is a serious piece of equipment. You were right. This thing is a great design and is solidly built. I am surprised that a piece of equipment that is merely pulled behind an atv can dig in so well.

  3. Don Lehmen

    The biggest thing for me when I was buying the Gravel Rascal was buying it over the phone, but now that I have it I couldn’t be happier with my tool. My salesmen Brad Ulick did a great job explaining how it worked and what it was built to do. The main reason I am so happy is because the tool does exactly what Brad said it would. I wasn’t finagled or tricked into anything and he made it very clear that it was my decision and wasn’t forcing anything on me. The Gravel Rascal is the best tool out on the market and I would trade it for any other drag.

  4. Robert Carroll

    I have a gravel hill and when it rains the gravels washed off and with the rascal I can pull it right back up instead of going out and buying new gravel. The Gravel rascal does exactly what you guys said it would and works amazing.

  5. Carolyn

    I bought the Rascal for my husband’s “big” birthday present and, even though it is a piece of work equipment, he was thrilled! Now we don’t have to pay other people to work the ground. We are saving money and that’s always a good thing. It’s probably already paid for itself. I am a very satisfied customer.

  6. Ken Sierk

    I was looking for an implement to maintain the 1/2 mile entrance road into the plant I manage when I came across the Gravel Rascal. Since I’m months away form retirement, I’ve also been looking at business opportunities because I didn’t want to just sit around in retirement. I purchased the Gravel Rascal thinking at the very least, I would solve the pothole problem in our entrance road and maybe make a few dollars after I retired.

    I was blown away at the quality and effectiveness of the Gravel Rascal. It did not look that formidable in the videos and I was a bit bit skeptical, but I was wrong. The next step up in products was exponentially more expensive and I’m not sure they would have produced any better results. First, ABI told the whole truth in their advertising. We have a very hard packed road due to the tractor trailer traffic on it and the rascal chewed this road up. We had been paying for a road grader prior to this and I can say with confidence that the Gravel Rascal produces an equivalent result, if not superior. Instead of having to sell driveway repair service, I have had people who have seen the results, ask me to recondition their driveways. I say recondition because normally we would keep adding rock to the plant drive but the Gravel Rascal brings the buried rock back to the surface producing an aggregate blend that packs much better than just rock addition and saves us money.

    The icing on the cake is the quality of support from the company. ABI stands behind their product 100%. There are experts that answer questions, and they immediately correct any product issues. Well done ABI!

  7. Tom

    I have a 1/2 mile gravel driveway. The Gravel Rascal works great to keep it maintained. It took a little practice to figure out the right cutting teeth depth and angle for the rake, but it is easy to pull with a UTV and is an invaluable tool to maintain our driveway. I didn’t get the electronic actuator, but I think that is an upgrade I’ll be making shortly.

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